Addis Ababa Revenues Bureau Jobs Vacancy 1

Addis Ababa Revenues Bureau
Ababa Revenues Bureau External Vacancy Announcement
1: Junior lawyer
2: Lawyer
3: Human resource information; Organization and Inspection Officer
4: Human Resource Information; Organization and Inspection Senior Officer
5: A specialist in the monitoring of old tax debts
6: Monitoring of old tax debts Senior Expert I
7: warehouse multi-purpose specialist
8: Sales registration device disposal registration officer
9: Senior expert in management and sale of assets held by tax debt I
10: Valuation expert of property held by tax debt II
11: Senior expert in management and sale of tax debt assets I
12: Reform and service delivery monitoring and support specialist II
13: Information Technology Support Junior Engineer
14: Information technology support engineer
15: Human resource management and development junior officer
16: Human resources management and development officer
17: Human Resource Management and Development Senior Officer I
18: Property Management Officer
19: Property Management Officer
20: Internal auditor
21: Senior Internal Auditor I
22: Procurement Officer
23: Senior Procurement OfficerI
24: Finance Officer/Accounts
25: Senior Financial Officer/Accounts/
26: Planning budget preparation, monitoring and evaluation junior officer
27: Planning budget preparation, monitoring and evaluation officer
28: Planning budget preparation, monitoring and evaluation Senior Officer I
Hot to apply
Use the links below to apply to the job directly
Application Link: Vacancy – Addis Ababa Revenues Bureau (